4chan vs AT&T

Pe 26 iulie AT&T, principalul furnizor de telefonie si internet american a blocat accesul abonatilor la 4chan. Azi un comunicat al companiei anunta:

“AT&T has responded in a press release this morning, stating the block was a response to a denial-of-service attack associated with IP addresses connected to img.4chan.org (a problem the site’s been having recently), which was affecting some of their customers. As such, an engineer overreacted in his response to the situation, resulting in the current status. AT&T states they have no issue with the content on 4chan; their aim was to protect their customers from malicious traffic.”

Raspunsul “anonim” al 4chan:

In the end, this wasn’t a sinister act of censorship, but rather a bit of a mistake and a poorly executed, disproportionate response on AT&T’s part. Whoever pulled the trigger on blackholing the site probably didn’t anticipate [nor intend] the consequences of doing so. We’re glad to see this short-lived debacle has prompted renewed interest and debate over net neutrality and internet censorship—two very important issues that don’t get nearly enough attention—so perhaps this was all just a blessing in disguise.

Intr-o lume in care dreptul de acces la internet e considerat un drept fundamental (Franta, vezi avizul consiliului constitutional la HADOPI I), mai important decat cel la un cont bancar (poti deveni interzis bancar fara decizie judecatoreasca), in america judecatorii de la curtea suprema au fost inlocuiti cu “ingineri” de la AT&T.

Cine sunt 4Chan si AT&T?
wikipedia ne zice :

4chan is an English-language imageboard website. Launched on October 1, 2003, its boards are primarily used for the posting of pictures and discussion of manga and anime. Users generally post anonymously and the site has been linked to internet subcultures and activism, most notably Project Chanology.

AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) is the largest provider of local, long distance telephone services in the United States, and also serves digital subscriber line Internet access. AT&T is the second largest provider of wireless service in the United States, with over 77 million wireless customers, and more than 150 million total customers.[3] AT&T, Inc. was formed in 2005, when “Baby Bell” SBC Communications Inc. purchased former “Ma Bell” AT&T Corporation The newly merged company took on the iconic AT&T moniker and T stock-trading symbol (for “telephone”).

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About Dr.A

Scientist, tech enthusiast, husband and father. Romanian expat. Dupa 3 ani in Japonia, o noua pagina se deschide la Paris.
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5 Responses to 4chan vs AT&T

  1. Pingback: 4chan name origin · Dr.A's Canapé

  2. Pingback: Ce inseamna 4chan? · Dr.A's Canapé

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